Wish is the Time Center group loyalty program. With every purchase, you can earn and redeem points with one of our family of brands (Time Center, Swatch, Pandora, Kayali Jewelry and Time Center service center)
1. Click Account from the main menu in the home page.
2. If you already have an account with our shop login, if not create one and make sure you come back to the Account page
3. If you have a wish account click connect to your account, if not download the application from app store or google play under “wish Time Center” to make use of any new extra rewards you will have then click connect to your account .
Follow the steps and enter the verification code
اذا كان لديك حساب في Wish سابقا اختر connect to your wish account ان لم يكن قم بتحميل التطبيق من خلال app store أو google play تحت اسم wish Time Center و من ثم اضغط connect to your account
اتبع الخطوات و أدخل رمز التأكيد
4. Choose view your rewards and credit then choose what is the amount you want to redeem from your balance and click copy to use it as a discount voucher on the checkout when you finish shopping within the payment step.
The rest of the amount you paid, 10% of it will be added to your wish wallet to use it on your next visit after 5 days